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Project | Intera-KT

Interaktives kognitives Assessment- Tool

Interaktives kognitives Assessment- Tool

The aim of the project Interakt (Interactive Cognitive Assessment Tool) is to improve the diagnostic process of dementia and other forms of cognitive impairment by digitizing standardized cognitive assessments. The focus is on everyday processes in hospitals (day clinics) and at home.

Most cognitive assessments used in medicine today are based on paper and pencil. These tests are expensive and time-consuming (a doctor, physiotherapist or psychologist performs the assessments) and the results may be distorted.

Through the use of smart pen technologies and mobile devices, multimodal multisensory data (e.g. speech and handwriting) are captured and evaluated.

The role that automation could play in the development of adaptive multimodal multisensor technologies in order to support precise assessments will be investigated.

Publications about the project


BMBF - Federal Ministry of Education and Research


BMBF - Federal Ministry of Education and Research