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Project | INTERACT

Interactive Manual Assembly Operations for the Human-Centered Workplaces of the Future

Interactive Manual Assembly Operations for the Human-Centered Workplaces of the Future

In order to be competitive in a global scale, European factories should be operated by a highly skilled workforce supported by advanced automation and IT tools. INTERACT aims to utilize workers'; knowledge on executing manual assembly tasks and include it in the digital tools used to support design, verification, validation, modification and continuous improvement of human-centred, flexible assembly workplaces.

The project places the following areas of particular interest at the center of its research:

  • Shop-floor sensing architectures that incorporate new low-cost sensor systems for retrieving data about human-based work activities in real time.
  • Advanced methods and tools for the automated recognition and classification of assembly operations from sensor data
  • Efficient generation and modification of accurate manual assembly simulation models based on task descriptions, controlled language and sensor data.
  • Development of smart applications for the continuous improvement of the human-centered manual assembly workplace.


  • Daimler AG; Germany (co-ordinator)
  • Electrolux Professional SpA, Italy
  • INTRASOFT International S.A., Luxembourg
  • IMK Automotive GmbH, Germany
  • Emphasis Telematics SA, Greece
  • HADATAP SP ZOO, Poland
  • University of Patras, LMS, Greece
  • Universität Ulm, IMI, Germany
  • Deutsches Forschungszentrum für Künstliche Intelligenz GmbH, Germany


  1. Joint Angle Data Representation for Data Driven Human Motion Synthesis

    Han Du; Martin Manns; Erik Herrmann; Klaus Fischer

    In: Roberto Teti (Hrsg.). Procedia CIRP - Research and Innovation in Manufacturing: Key Enabling Technologies for the Factories of the Future - Proceedings of the 48th CIRP Conference on Manufacturing Systems. CIRP Conference on Manufactoring Systems (CIRP CMS-2015), June 24-26, Ischia (Naples), Italy, Pages 746-751, Vol. 41, Elsevier, 2016.
  2. Scaled functional principal component analysis for human motion synthesis

    Han Du; Somayeh Hosseini; Martin Manns; Erik Herrmann; Klaus Fischer

    In: Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Motion in Games. ACM SIGGRAPH Conference on Motion in Games (MIG-2016), 9th International Conference on Motion in Games, October 10-12, Burlingame, California, USA, Pages 139-144, MIG '16, ISBN 978-1-4503-4592-7, ACM, 2016.

Funding Authorities

EU - European Union

EU - European Union