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Europaweite Pilotprojekte mit über 50 Partnern aus elf Ländern - Gebäude und Stromnetze wachsen digital zusammen

Europaweite Pilotprojekte mit über 50 Partnern aus elf Ländern - Gebäude und Stromnetze wachsen digital zusammen

This Europe-wide project is working on the intelligent networking of buildings, smart homes and electricity grids. The various objectives include efficient, intelligent, interoperable energy management in the connection of smart homes, commercial buildings and electricity grids. The focus of the project is on reducing the load on electricity grids, the use of open IoT architectures and Big Data. The development of solutions using the same IoT architectures for the digital networking of different power sources is one of the goals. For example, electricity from wind and solar plants is to be flexibly added to the grid. The aim is to provide services via cloud applications. To increase efficiency, Big Data based on open standards such as the European SAREF will be used. The improved interoperability between devices and systems is to be made accessible to all manufacturers, distribution network operators and energy suppliers, so the development of a common ontology is of central importance as a further goal of this project. Prototypes will be created and tested in practice. The focus is also on data protection according to European standards. At the moment, twelve pilot projects are underway, whose demonstrators are being tested at seven different locations across Europe. These are to be expanded in the second year with 42 bottom-up projects in order to develop further prototypes and live demonstrations. The Agents and Simulated Reality (ASR) research unit is responsible for the further development of a common ontology for semantic web services and their implementation in smart homes and buildings.


INESC TEC (Portugal), EEBUS (Germany), TNO (the Netherlands), VITO (Belgium), EDPD (Portugal), VizLore (Serbia), Th!nk E (Belgium), FundingBox (Poland), Wings ICT Solutions (Greece), SONAE (Portugal), Fraunhofer IEE (Germany), VolkerWessels iCITY (the Netherlands), Planet Idea (Italy), GridNet (Greece), YNCREA Mediterranee (France), Athens University of Economics and Business – Research Center (Greece), Elektro Ljubljana (Slovenia), ThermoVault (Belgium), TRIALOG (France), Domótica SGTA (Portugal), Schneider Electric Portugal Lda (Portugal) Vrije Universiteit Brussel (Belgium), IMEC (Belgium), DuCoop (Belgium), 3E (Belgium), CORDIUM CVBA (Belgium), Stichting VU (the Netherlands), HERON (Greece), COSMOTE (Greece), ENEDIS (France), ENGIE (France), SENSINOV (France), Whirlpool (Italy), RSE SPA (Italy), POLIMI (Italy), cyberGRID (Austria), RDGfi (Belgium), E.DSO (Belgium), OpenMotics (Belgium), KEO GMBH (Germany), ABB (Belgium), UNI KASSEL (Germany), DFKI (Germany), FH-Dortmund (Germany), Bosch Thermotechnik (Germany), BSH (Germany), Miele (Germany), Wirelane GmbH (Germany), Vaillant GmbH (Germany), Daikin Europe (Belgium) and KNX (Belgium)


  1. POSER: A Semantic Payload Lowering Service

    Daniel Spieldenner

    In: Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies. International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies (WEBIST-2022), 18th International Conference on on Web Information Systems and Technologies, October 25-27, SCITEPRESS, 2022.

Funding Authorities

EU - European Union

no. 857237


EU - European Union