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Project | INVERSIV


Integrated Verification, Simulation and Visualization for Industrial Applications

Realizing the idea of Industrie 4.0 requires the fast and reliable changeover of cyber-physical systems (CPS). The overall goal of the INVERSIV project is the development of a system for validating functional models of cyber-physical systems and especially cyber-physical production systems. Based on real-time sensor data these models allow simulating critical processes and monitoring, analysis, diagnosis and prediction of failure states as well as their removal. If a failure during simulation is detected, steps for removing the failure have to be provisioned. In INVERSIV we will explore the design and evaluation of alternative configurations of CPS using modules for semantic sensor data analysis, hybrid automata, and agent technologies which are used for representing human activities and interactions necessary for maintaining the production. An essential aspect of INVERSIV is the creation of a common representation of the CPS shared between the modules which allows combining the INVERSIV assets for monitoring and analyzing CPS.





BMBF - Federal Ministry of Education and Research

BMBF - Federal Ministry of Education and Research