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Project | KI@Home

Prädiktion von adverse events mittels Künstlicher Intelligenz und Ambient Assisted Living-Systemen in der Häuslichkeit von pflegebedürftigen Personen

Prädiktion von adverse events mittels Künstlicher Intelligenz und Ambient Assisted Living-Systemen in der Häuslichkeit von pflegebedürftigen Personen

The goal is to develop a risk assessment module for a smart home platform with a focus on "smart ageing". A collection of sensors is installed in the volunteers' flats and their base health status assessed at the beginning of the project. During runtime, the sensors collect data about e.g. movement patterns and the volunteers update their health status regularly, so that machine learning algorithms can be trained to predict risks according to behaviour.

The focus lies on the following kinds of risks:

  • exacerbation of an existing mental affliction like dementia or depression
  • impaired mobility or danger of falls
  • downward trends in general health


  • Better@Home Service GmbH
  • Institut für Sozialforschung und Sozialwirtschaft e.V.
  • AOK NORDOST- die Gesundheitskasse
  • Charite - Universitatsmedizin Berlin
  • Die Netz-Werker AG
  • Pflegewerk Managementgesellschaft mbH

Funding Authorities

BMWi - Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy


BMWi - Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy