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Project | m:Ciudad

Service creation on the move, with the mobile device, for mobile users.

Service creation on the move, with the mobile device, for mobile users.

Imagine what kind of applications become possible when our mobile devices do not only present data to the owner but provide valuable information to other users. Suppose that you are able to create instant services with information, contents and knowledge with your mobile device and in your mobile device. And suppose that this knowledge can be used remotely by other users in a simple way, with their mobile devices. And now, imagine the amount of available knowledge of those services. Millions or perhaps billions of potential sources with valuable information: constantly updated, relevant to our instant interests and still context aware. So, what are the required tools with a mobile device let each user to become a service provider? In which way should the mobile platform behave to make it simple to use and efficient? How to reach this type of distributed, volatile services and their associated knowledge or information? And how to exploit the business opportunities that this new scenario brings up? User-friendly creation tools in the mobile, an optimised execution environment, a model for a knowledge warehouse, a proposed specific searching engine and a set of business models for users, for service providers and for third parties, mainly SMEs. This is the scope of m:Ciudad. In addition m:Ciudad is a service architecture, a set of mobile tools and a platform to allow users to create focused, knowledge-based mobile micro-services, which are called m:Ciudad U+Services.


Fundación Robotiker Telefónica Inverstigacón y Desarrolo, University of Surrey, Alcatel-Lucent, Valtion Teknillinen Tutkimuskeskus, YDreams Informática, Forschungszentrum Telekommunikation Wien

Publications about the project


EU - European Union

Grant agreement no.: 215007

EU - European Union