METALOGUE integrates a cognitive science based metacognitive model into a human-computer dialogue interface. METALOGUE is a multidisciplinary project for the development and testing of a highly adaptive and flexible multiperspective multimodal dialogue system with metacognitive abilities. METALOGUE employs virtual agent technology for improving the metacognitive skills of both system and users in social and commercial educational gaming contexts. The project combines multimodal human-computer interaction, cognitive modelling, psychology, discourse processing, and technology-enhanced learning in the goal of implementing a multi-party dialogue support system with multiple virtual agents engaging in natural interaction with the user through combinations of spoken language, gestures, mimicry and body language.
Universitaet des Saarlandes, University of Groningen, Trinity College Dublin, Charamel GmbH, Open University of Netherlands, University of Peloponnese, Hellenic Parliament, DialogConnection Ltd, University of Essex.