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Project | MKM-net


Mathematical Knowledge Management Network

Mathematics is one of the oldest areas of knowledge, and Euclid's Elements is one of the oldest encapsulations of mathematical knowledge. Nevertheless, the issue of the management of this ever-growing corpus of knowledge has attracted little attention, even though several groups of people have become convinced of its necessity.

Hence the objectives of this Network are:

  • to analyse the various socio-economic needs of the stakeholders in Mathematical Knowledge Management;
  • to analyse the scope to which migration tools could let the community move from the current paper-oriented and presen-tation-oriented view, e.g. LaTeX, to a semantics-oriented view of the universe of mathematical knowledge;
  • to analyse the current state of formal mathematical tools, their role in mathematical knowledge management, and the extent to which they could inter-operate in a mathematical knowledge management framework;
  • to analyse the requirements from users for a search engine that could consider mathematics, rather than words about mathematics, e.g. ``Bessel's equation'', and also distinguish content from presentation;
  • to analyse the various notations present, both nationality-specific and subject-specific, in mathematical presentation, and to relate these back to a common semantic base;

Funding Authorities

EU - European Union

EU - European Union