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Project | PMC 2768

PMC Regionale Projektleitstelle 2011ff

PMC Regionale Projektleitstelle 2011ff

In July 2009 eight model regions were established in the context of the “funding program model regions electric mobility”. The aim of the funding program is the quick and sustainable implementation of electric mobility in Germany, in order to make Germany a leading market of electric mobility. It is the declared aim to have 1 million electric vehicles on German streets up to the year 2020. Based on the assumption that electric mobility will be established in regional clusters, model regions have been created. One of the eight model regions in Germany is the model region Bremen/Oldenburg. The regional project coordination center is the central organization unit for the model region, which is managing the activities in the region. Thus the regional project coordination center is the central coordinating body between the national government program on the one hand and the local realization on the other hand. Furthermore the regional project coordination center prepares and supports the market launch of electric mobility. In doing so the coordination center opens its view in all directions. Collaborations und project partners will be acquired, projects will be planned, it demonstrates electric mobility in public, and reports to the national program coordinator. The German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence (DFKI) and the Fraunhofer Institute for Manufacturing Technology and Advanced Materials take the lead of the regional project coordination center. With the assistance of the regional project coordination center, a network has been created consisting of representatives of authorities, industry, science and economy. The aim is a sustainable and joint approach in embedding electric mobility in the region. Future projects will be planned and accompanied. Next to project management and project development, public image and public relation belong to the regional project coordination center. Since electric mobility is ought to be visible and tangible. The regional project coordination center controls the local activities and is mediator between national goals and local works. For this reason a decisive contribution will be made by the regional project coordination center.



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