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Project | SATCLOUD


Secure and highly-available Trust contexts for mixed cloud scenarios

Research Topics

  • Other

Application fields

  • Other

Cloud computing is a key component in the future of IT infrastructure in organizations. Typically, however, not all components of IT infrastructure are migrated to the cloud, but rather existing components of local IT infrastructure are integrated with cloud solutions (so-called "mixed cloud"). The aim of the project is to take existing technology for the implementation of administrative policies ("domain", "trust context") that serve to implement simple administration in the IT department, and expand it for use in mixed cloud environments. This will allow many organizations to use cloud-based services in an economical, safe and controlled way.

To achieve this aim, a new language shall be developed and implemented. Various trust levels, differentiated views and conflict resolution strategies in multi-master replication for the cloud can be formulated in this language. The project results will be made ​​available as open source software, resulting in high transparency and good acceptance, serving the broad and successful marketing of the solution via different cloud providers, system integrators and software vendors.


  1. Selective LDAP Multi-Master Replication

    Thomas Bauereiß; Stefan Gohmann; Dieter Hutter; Alexander Kläser

    In: Proceedings Open Identity Summit 2013. Open Identity Summit (OID-2013), September 9-11, Kloster Banz, Germany, Lecture Notes in Informatics (LNI), Springer, 2013.

Funding Authorities

BMWi - Federal Ministry of Economics and Technology


BMWi - Federal Ministry of Economics and Technology