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Project | SD4M

Smart Data For Mobility

Smart Data For Mobility

The goal of SD4M is to develop a big data analytics platform for multi-modal smart mobility service. This platform is aimed to provide intelligent data management functions and services, which help the mobility service providers for optimal planning, predication and prognosis, and also support travellers for their individual travel planning.

The subgoals are as follows:

  • Data aggregation, structuring, refinement:

The central data value chains of SD4M-Platform are to link, merge und integrate various data from different mobility companies and institutions to enable the semantic interoperability.

  • Prognosis and optimisation of services:

It is planed to implement prognosis and optimisation methods in the SD4M platform. The methods are aimed to help companies to improve their current and future services

  • Integration third party services into SD4M Platform:

The SD4M is planned to be open for third party data providers and service providers.

The language technology group of Prof. Dr. Hans Uszkoreit and the intelligent Analytics for Massive Data - Smart Data of Prof. Dr. Volker Markl belong to the partners of the SD4M project. Dr. Feiyu Xu of the language technology group is responsible for the technical coordination.


  • DB Systel
  • DFKI
  • init AG
  • idalab
  • PS-Team


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Funding Authorities

BMWi - Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy

BMWi - Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy