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Project | SUCH

Secure UCH

Secure UCH

The goal of the project SUCH (Secure UCH) is to implement the Universal Remote Console (UCH) middleware based on the Common Criteria (CC, ISO/ICE 15408) Methodology, see, aiming for Evaluation Assurance Level 4 (EAL4). The security-by-design effort drives the implementation by requirements on Confidentiality, Data Protection, Non-Repudiation and Access Policies. In this way, the user will regain full control of his/her personal data. The UCH is an implementation of the ISO/IEC 24752 Universal Remote Controle (URC), an open technological framework for exchangeable user interfaces based on a users' profile, see The URC approach has been used to implement a wide range of particularly accessible UIs in different contexts for, e.g., partially-sighted and blind persons, elderly persons, persons with cognitive impairments etc. in smart homes, offices and other environments.


consistec Engineering and Consulting GmbH
