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Project | TexaS


Baukasten für multifunktionale textiladaptierte Elektroniksysteme - Entwicklung eines Interposers für Modulare System für Smart Textiles

Research Topics

  • Other

The main objective of the project is to eliminate current disturbances and problems in the research field of electronic textiles and thus to advance microsystems technology in the textile sector in line with industry 4.0. The contact and power supply solutions to be developed are a prerequisite for the successful and reliable integration of existing and future electronic systems in textiles. These developments lead to increased functionality, energy and resource efficiency through cost-effective processes, the use of alternative materials and long-term stability. The following described contents are thus processed: - Hybrid integration of different substrate materials and functionalities - Multifunctional and active interposers, alternative materials for interposers - Embedding and contacting as miniaturization progresses - Functional and application-oriented packaging


  • Textilforschungsinstitut Thüringen-Vogtland e.V. - Smart Battery Solutions GmbH - ZSK Stickmaschinen GmbH - Robert Bosch GmbH - WESKO GmbH - Kunststoff-Zentrum Leipzig gGmbH


Funding Authorities

BMBF - Federal Ministry of Education and Research

BMBF - Federal Ministry of Education and Research