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Project | TrustifAI

Mission Kl Innovation- and Quality Center (IQZ) Kaiserslautern (TrustifAI - Health and Wellbeing)

Mission Kl Innovation- and Quality Center (IQZ) Kaiserslautern (TrustifAI - Health and Wellbeing)

Trustworthy AI applications for a secure future

Under the leadership of acatech – National Academy of Science and Engineering, MISSION KI aims to strengthen the trustworthiness and reliability of AI applications. As part of the German government's National Initiative for Artificial Intelligence and Data Economy, a practical, voluntary minimum standard for AI is being developed. This is intended to promote user confidence in AI technologies while also creating competitive advantages for providers who align themselves with this standard. The German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence (DFKI) is contributing to the initiative with three main areas of focus:

Development of quality criteria and testing procedures

To ensure compliance with the minimum standard, particularly in high-risk applications, DFKI is developing specific quality criteria and testing and inspection methods. These procedures enable the early integration of quality assurance into the development process of AI software.

Validation based on real-world use cases

The developed methods are being tested in five practical application fields in medicine and healthcare:

  • AI-supported detection of skin cancer using dermatoscopic images
  • Identification of potential risks in preoperative intubation using medical video data
  • Support for decision-making in tumour treatment
  • Demand forecasting and planning in ambulance services
  • Training therapists in psychotherapeutic outpatient clinics

Operation of the Innovation & Quality Centre (IQZ)

The IQZ Kaiserslautern acts as a central point of contact for trustworthy AI, particularly for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) and start-ups. Through a wide range of lectures, workshops and consulting services, the IQZ supports the transfer of knowledge in the field of trustworthy AI and testing procedures, thus helping to promote innovation.

MISSION KI is creating an important framework for the transparent and safe use of artificial intelligence. The collaboration of different actors makes it possible to further develop trustworthy AI applications and thus lay the foundation for the responsible integration of AI technologies into a wide range of social and economic areas.

Purposes of data processing: As part of the MissionKI (TrustifAI) project, DFKI receives historical data from the German Red Cross (DRK) Rhineland-Palatinate. This data is used to develop AI models that can both predict ambulance demand and forecast the remaining deployment time of rescue vehicles. This results in a data-based AI prototype for decision support in the dispatching of ambulances, which enables more efficient use of available resources. Research into how such and similar services can be tested is key.


Acatech - Deutsche Akademie der Technikwissenschaften

Funding Authorities

BMDV - Federal Ministry for Digital and Transport


BMDV - Federal Ministry for Digital and Transport