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Project | TwinMaP

Digital twin of a heterogeneous machine park for the complete machining of components

Digital twin of a heterogeneous machine park for the complete machining of components

The TwinMaP project focuses on the development of innovative concepts for digital twins of factory workers in assembly and pre-assembly. While other partners integrate digital twins of machines and systems for virtual commissioning before product delivery, our focus lies on the simulation of human work processes. The aim is to improve employee assistance and to simulate both the machines and human work processes during the development phase of new products, such as buses. This is particularly important in assembly and pre-assembly.



Daimler Buses GmbH, FORCAM GmbH, ISG Industrielle Steuerungstechnik GmbH, SimPlan AG, ifak.e.V., Trumpf Gruppe, IPI – Institut für Produktion und Informatik Technologietransferzentrum (TTZ) Sonthofen im Allgäu, VELIT Consulting GmbH & Co. KG, Hochschule Emden/Leer, TWT GmbH Science & Innovation

Contact Person

Janis Sprenger, M.Sc.


Involved research areas


Funding Authorities

BMWK - Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action

BMWK - Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action