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Project | uService

Service Creation Environments For Super Prosumer Systems

Service Creation Environments For Super Prosumer Systems

uService develops business models and application scenarios for user-generated mobile services in the personal health and fitness domain. Within the project DFKI leads large usability tests in collaboration with the German Running Therapy Center. Results from conducted user interviews will go into the design of the uService system which on the one hand provides the user with tools to generate services on the mobile device and on the other consists of the server side back-end. DFKI develops a main component of the back-end: the discovery tool for user-generated mobile services. The resulting search and recommendation engine will apply novel search and evaluation methods which are particularly developed for the discovery of user-generated services in the personal health and fitness domain. For instance, a user will be recommended a running appointment of other runners which is close to the user’s current location and which matches the user’s fitness level or the system will monitor the user’s vital signs during a run and recommend an easier route when it detects that the user is overexerted. Having developed a prototype in collaboration with Mobile Telecommunication Players Sagem Orga, Orga Systems and Communology and another research partner, University of Rostock, usability tests will be conducted with real users in collaboration with the German Running Therapy Center.

Additional information and video about the application scenario can be found at:


Sagem Orga, Orga Systems, Communology, Universität Rostock, Deutsches Lauftherapiezentrum

Publications about the project

  1. Business models for mobile applications

    Alexandra Theobalt; Andreas Emrich; Marc Gräßle; Dirk Werth; Peter Loos

    In: Bebo White; Pedro Isaías (Hrsg.). Proceedings of the IADIS International Conference WWW/Internet 2012. IADIS International Conference WWW/Internet (WWW/I-2012), October 18-21, Madrid, Spain, Pages 43-50, IADIS, 2012.


BMBF - Federal Ministry of Education and Research

BMBF - Federal Ministry of Education and Research