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Project | VIDE

Visualize all model driven development

Visualize all model driven development

The objective of the project VIDE (VIsualize all moDel drivEn programming) is to improve methodologies and tools for software development focusing on data intense business applications by using the concept of Model Driven Architecture (MDA).

To enable the development of flexible, robust and evolvable software based on UML a fully visual action programming platform should be designed. It offers expressiveness, user friendliness and high automation of the coding process. Hereby the next generation of software can be supported by high-level development method in the context of UML.

The VIDE consortium consists of 10 international project partners including business and research facilities: Altec (Greece), Bournemouth University (Great Britain), Fraunhofer Institute for Experimental Software Engineering IESE (Germany), Fraunhofer Institute Computer architecture und software technology FIRST (Germany), Polish Japanese Institute of Information Technology (Poland), Rodan Systems S.A. (Poland), SAP Inc. (Germany), Softeam (France), TNM Software GmbH (Germany) und the Institute for Information Systems (IWi) at the German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence (DFKI). The project has started in July 2006. Within the VIDE project, the Institute of Information Systems (IWi) is responsible for developing a process model for the design of software as well as to create a modelling language on the computation independent modelling level (CIM) for business users.

This modelling language provides a double nature approach: 1.) the language allows transformation from CIM level into platform independent model (PIM) level and 2.) it offers the orchestration of VIDE applications by transforming the CIM level language into the XPDL format, which can be executed by workflow management systems.

The VIDE approach will provide a fully visual toolset to be used both by IT-specialists and individuals with little or no IT-experience, such as specific domain experts, users and testers. This will support their common efforts in the faster development of more reliable systems. The innovative user-friendly code editor of VIDE enables both visual and textual coding of platform-independent models (PIMs).


  • Altec (Greece)
  • Bournemouth University (Great Britain)
  • Fraunhofer Institute for Experimental Software Engineering IESE (Germany)
  • Fraunhofer Institute Computer architecture und software technology FIRST (Germany)
  • Polish Japanese Institute of Information Technology (Poland)
  • Rodan Systems S.A. (Poland)
  • SAP Inc. (Germany)
  • Softeam (France)
  • TNM Software GmbH (Germany)


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Funding Authorities

EU - European Union

EU - European Union