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Project | VISION


Value and Impact through Synergy, Interaction and coOperation of Networks of AI Excellence Centres

The project VISION aims to coordinate the four new AI networks of excellence selected by the European Commission in the framework of the call "Towards a vibrant European network of AI excellence centres" (ICT-48-2020). The aim of these new networks of excellence AI4Media, ELISE, Humane AI Network, TAILOR is to foster the collaboration between the best research teams in Europe and addressing the major scientific and technological challenges in the field of Artificial Intelligence (AI) more efficiently. Via closer networks in the form of European AI centers of excellence, existing research capacities will be expanded and concentrated in order to achieve a critical mass that will allow Europe to be competitive on the international level.

The project is fundamentally based on the vision and objectives of CLAIRE and is therefore led by Prof. Holger Hoos from Leiden University (Netherlands), who is also Chairman of the Board of CLAIRE AISBL.

DFKI's main role in VISION is to coordinate the exchange between scientists and practitioners, for example by organizing so-called Theme Development Workshops, which will bring together researchers, industry representatives and other stakeholders such as associations and political decision-makers across the four networks in order to identify industrial trends and needs in the field of AI, and align them with current research topics. In addition, guidelines and best practices will be developed to enable the networks to contribute their perspective to a strategic research and innovation roadmap for AI in Europe, and to involve other stakeholders, such as education and training institutions or PPP initiatives in the work of the four networks.


Universität Leiden, Technische Universität Prag, University College Cork, National University of Ireland, Fondazione Bruno Kessler (FBK), Institut national de recherche en informatique et en automatique (INRIA), Niederländische Organisation für Angewandte Naturwissenschaftliche Forschung (TNO)

Funding Authorities

EU - European Union

Horizon 2020

EU - European Union