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  1. TL Cybermapping - TransferLab Cybermapping

    Cooperation between DFKI and Deutsche Bundesbank in a transfer lab on various topics in the financial sector, e.g. the detection of errors and …

  2. myRPA - Experience-based Robotic Process Automation for Knowledge-based Personal Assistants

    Robotic Process Automation (RPA) enables further automation of processes across existing systems. As RPA can act like humans and thus is able to read, …

  3. SensAI - Self-organizing Personal Knowledge Assistants in Evolving Corporate Memories


    Knowledge Graphs (KGs) get an increased interest in research and industry to represent data, information and knowledge from various sources …

  4. CoMem - Corporate Memory

    CoMem is an ecosystem based on evolving knowledge graphs integrating information silos and legacy systems as well as (personal) information sources of …

  5. Managed Forgetting - Sustaining Grass-roots Organizational Memories: Foundations and Methods of Managed Forgetting for Knowledge Workers

    Introducing ‘forgetting’ into organizational knowledge management methods and practices promises to help overcome information overload and to ease …

  6. supSpaces - Semantische Support-Wissensräume für agiles Wissensmanagement im 3rd - Level Support

    Ziel des Vorhabens ist es, ein teamorientiertes und agiles Wissensmanagement durch eine Integration des innovativen Ansatzes des Semantic Desktops in …

  7. ForgetIT - Concise Preservation by combining Managed Forgetting and Contextualized Remembering

    While preservation of digital content is now well established in memory institutions such as national libraries and archives, it is still in its …

  8. iDocument - Intelligent Document Information Extraction

    Goal of iDocument is a semantic answering of queries on non-structured document corpora(e.g., news, large document collections). Based on existing …

  9. Ricoh Demoroom - Ricoh Demoroom

    The Ricoh Demoroom is part of the Competence Center "Virtual Office of the Future" (CC-VOF) at DFKI. In a cooperative project with Ricoh, the VOF …

  10. TEAL - Handlungsorientiertes E-Learning durch aufgabenspezifische Bereitstellung von personalisierten Kurrikula (Task-Embedded Adaptive e-Learning).

    To ensure economic success, constant training and further education is essential for executive employees in almost any type of industry today. The …

  11. InnoWiss - InnoWiss

    Modern knowledge work in the office of the future will be characterized by the dimensions of mobility, distribution, collaboration, and by being …

  12. EPOS - Evolving Personal to Organizational Knowledge Spaces

    The objective of EPOS is to reduce the efforts for personal knowledge management and to evolve personal to organizational knowledge spaces. EPOS …

  13. VirtualOffice - Media-independent handling of administrative workflows

    The aim of VirtualOffice is research and development of innovative solutions for document analysis and understanding (DAU) and their integration into …