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Displaying results 41 to 50 of 64.
  1. Pre-OnkoCase – Preliminary study for the realization of a case-oriented decision support system for treatment recommendations of skin cancer.

    Pre-OnkoCase – Preliminary study for the realization of a case-oriented decision support system for treatment recommendations of skin cancer.

    In the case of advanced skin cancer, treatment decisions are often based on the personal experience of the treating physician due to a lack of …

  2. KI@Home – Prädiktion von adverse events mittels Künstlicher Intelligenz und Ambient Assisted Living-Systemen in der Häuslichkeit von pflegebedürftigen Personen

    KI@Home – Prädiktion von adverse events mittels Künstlicher Intelligenz und Ambient Assisted Living-Systemen in der Häuslichkeit von pflegebedürftigen Personen

    The goal is to develop a risk assessment module for a smart home platform with a focus on "smart ageing". A collection of sensors is installed in the …

  3. pAItient – Protected Artificial Intelligence Innovation Environment for Patient Oriented Digital Health Solutions for developing, testing and evidence based evaluation of clinical value.

    pAItient – Protected Artificial Intelligence Innovation Environment for Patient Oriented Digital Health Solutions for developing, testing and evidence based evaluation of clinical value.

    Developments in recent years, such as low-cost hardware for enormous computing power and machine learning techniques, have given AI new impetus in …

  4. CLAIRE Saarland II – The CLAIRE Saarland Project

    CLAIRE Saarland II – The CLAIRE Saarland Project

    In June 2018, the CLAIRE initiative was launched with the aim of joining forces in the field of Artificial Intelligence in Europe with a focus on …

  5. EPOPredictII – Erythropoietin Prediction II

    EPOPredictII – Erythropoietin Prediction II

    Sports officials around the world are facing incredible challenges due to the unfair means of practices performed by the athletes to improve their …

  6. TAILOR – Foundations of Trustworthy AI - Integrating Reasoning, Learning and Optimization

    TAILOR – Foundations of Trustworthy AI - Integrating Reasoning, Learning and Optimization

    The TAILOR project was selected by the European Commission in the ICT-48-2020 call for proposals "Towards a vibrant European network of AI excellence …

  7. KItatta – KI-Verfahren erkennen Qualität von Spenderhornhäuten

    KItatta – KI-Verfahren erkennen Qualität von Spenderhornhäuten

    In Deutschland werden jährlich mehr als 9.000 Hornhauttransplantationen durchgeführt. Trotz strenger Qualitätskriterien sind bei etwa 4-5 % der …

  8. SmartVigilance – Regulatorische Compliance durch KI-basierte Umfeldüberwachung in der Medizintechnik

    SmartVigilance – Regulatorische Compliance durch KI-basierte Umfeldüberwachung in der Medizintechnik

    Hersteller von Medizinprodukten unterliegen strengen Regulierungen hinsichtlich der Sicherheit ihrer Produkte. Regulierungen betreffen sowohl die …

  9. DIGITbrain – Digital twins bringing agility and innovation to manufacturing SMEs, by empowering a network of DIHs with an integrated digital platform that enables Manufacturing as a Service (MaaS)

    DIGITbrain – Digital twins bringing agility and innovation to manufacturing SMEs, by empowering a network of DIHs with an integrated digital platform that enables Manufacturing as a Service (MaaS)

    DIGITbrain Project is an EU innovation program to give SMEs easy access to digital twins. A Digital Twin is the virtual representation of a product, …

  10. KI-Para-Mi – KI-getriebener Paradigmenwechsel durch Mitarbeiter-zentrische Schicht- und Dienstplanung zur Verringerung des Pflegenotstands

    KI-Para-Mi – KI-getriebener Paradigmenwechsel durch Mitarbeiter-zentrische Schicht- und Dienstplanung zur Verringerung des Pflegenotstands

    The goal of the KI-Para-Mi project is to develop an intelligent personnel planning system for flexible shift scheduling in nursing, which above all …