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AmbiPlant - Ambient Feedback for Digital Media through Actuated Plants

Donald Degraen; Marc Schubhan; Kamila Mushkina; Akhmajon Makhsadov; Felix Kosmalla; André Zenner; Antonio Krüger
In: Extended Abstracts of the 2020 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems Extended Abstracts. International Conference Extended Abstracts on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI EA), New York, NY, USA, CHI ’20, ISBN 9781450368193, Association for Computing Machinery, 2020.


To enhance viewing experiences during digital media consumption, both research and industry have considered ambient feedback effects to visually and physically extend the content presented. In this paper, we present AmbiPlant, a system using support structures for plants as interfaces for providing ambient effects during digital media consumption. In our concept, the media content presented to the viewer is augmented with visual actuation of the plant structures in order to enhance the viewing experience. We report on the results of a user study comparing our AmbiPlant condition to a condition with ambient lighting and a condition without ambient effects. Our system outperformed the no ambient effects condition in terms of engagement, entertainment, excitement and innovation and the ambient lighting condition in terms of excitement and innovation.

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