Discovering Blockchain for Sustainable Product-Service Systems to enhance the Circular Economy
Jannis Vogel; Simon Hagen; Oliver Thomas
In: Thomas Ludwig; Volkmar Pipek (Hrsg.). Proceedings of the 14th Internationale Tagung Wirtschaftsinformatik. Internationale Tagung Wirtschaftsinformatik (WI-2019), February 23-27, Siegen, Germany, ISBN 978-3-96182-063-4, universi - Universitätsverlag Siegen, Siegen, 2019.
An increasing amount of use cases is discovered for blockchain technology, since it promises tamper-proof recording of product-related data. It has the potential to improve the reliability of information management for whole supply chains and thus enables new ecologically and economically service offerings. Integrating products and services into one marketable bundle is no new concept and is referred to as product-service systems (PSS). Therefore, the methodical integration of knowledge on sustainable businesses, PSS and blockchain is a promising approach to overcome current barriers to achieve an applicable circular economy. Our study contributes a structured literature review on ongoing research in the field of sustainability-focused blockchain applications. From this, we elaborate a holistic perspective by the integration of key concepts from two additional literature reviews for blockchain and PSS. Asa result, we point out potential benefits and present the effect of blockchain on sustainable PSS with a product-life cycle model.