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Semantic Storytelling: From Experiments and Prototypes to a Technical Solution

Georg Rehm; Karolina Zaczynska; Peter Bourgonje; Malte Ostendorff; Julian Moreno Schneider; Maria Berger; Jens Rauenbusch; Andre Schmidt; Mikka Wild; Joachim Bottger; Joachim Quantz; Jan Thomsen; Rolf Fricke
In: Tommaso Caselli; Eduard Hovy; Martha Palmer; Piek Vossen (Hrsg.). Computational Analysis of Storylines: Making Sense of Events. Pages 240-259, Studies in Natural Language Processing, ISBN 9781108854221, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 11/2021.


In the past we experimented with variations of an approach we call semantic storytelling, in which we use multiple text analytics components including named entity recognition and event detection. This chapter summarizes some of our previous work with an emphasis on the detection of movement action events, and describes the long-term semantic storytelling vision as well as the setup and approach of our future work towards a robust technical solution, which is primarily driven by three industry use cases. Ultimately, we plan to contribute an implemented approach for semantic storytelling that makes use of various analytics services and that can be deployed in a flexible way in various industrial production environments.
