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RC-BEVFusion: A Plug-In Module for Radar-Camera Bird’s Eye View Feature Fusion

Lukas Stäcker; Shashank Mishra; Philipp Heidenreich; Jason Raphael Rambach; Didier Stricker
In: DAGM (Hrsg.). Proceedings of. Annual Symposium of the German Association for Pattern Recognition (DAGM-2023), September 19-22, Heidelberg, BW, Germany, DAGM, 9/2023.


Radars and cameras belong to the most frequently used sensors for advanced driver assistance systems and automated driving research. However, there has been surprisingly little research on radar-camera fusion with neural networks. One of the reasons is a lack of large-scale automotive datasets with radar and unmasked camera data, with the exception of the nuScenes dataset. Another reason is the dif- ficulty of effectively fusing the sparse radar point cloud on the bird’s eye view (BEV) plane with the dense images on the perspective plane. The recent trend of camera-based 3D object detection using BEV features has enabled a new type of fusion, which is better suited for radars. In this work, we present RC-BEVFusion, a modular radar-camera fusion network on the BEV plane. We propose two novel radar encoder branches, and show that they can be incorporated into several state-of-the-art camera-based architectures. We show significant performance gains of up to 28% increase in the nuScenes detection score, which is an important step in radar-camera fusion research. Without tuning our model for the nuScenes benchmark, we achieve the best result among all published methods in the radar-camera fusion category.
