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Learning responsive robot behavior by imitation

Heni Ben Amor; David Vogt; Marco Ewerton; Erik Berger; Bernhard Jung; Jan Peters
In: 2013 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems. IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS-2013), November 3-7, Tokyo, Japan, Pages 3257-3264, IEEE, 2013.


In this paper we present a new approach for learning responsive robot behavior by imitation of human interaction partners. Extending previous work on robot imitation learning, that has so far mostly concentrated on learning from demonstrations by a single actor, we simultaneously record the movements of two humans engaged in on-going interaction tasks and learn compact models of the interaction. Extracted interaction models can thereafter be used by a robot to engage in a similar interaction with a human partner. We present two algorithms for deriving interaction models from motion capture data as well as experimental results on a humanoid robot.

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