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Authoring Presentation for OpenMath

S. Manzoor; Paul Libbrecht; Carsten Ullrich; Erica Melis
In: Michael Kohlhase (Hrsg.). Mathematical Knowledge Management: 4th International Conference, MKM 2005, Bremen, Germany, July 15-17, 2005, Revised Selected Papers. International Conference on Mathematical Knowledge Management (MKM), Heidelberg, Pages 33-48, LNCS, Vol. 3863, Springer, 2006.


Some mathematical objects can have more than one notation. When a system compiles mathematical material from multiple sources, a management effort to maintain uniform and appropriate notations becomes necessary. Additionally, the need arises to facilitate the notations editing of the mathematical objects with authoring tools. In this paper, we present our work towards those needs. We have designed a framework that defines an authoring cycle supported by series of tools, which eases the creation of notations for the symbols in the process of publishing mathematics for the web.


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