Skipforward - a lightweight ontology-based peer-to-peer recommendation system
Malte Kiesel; Sven Schwarz
In: Proceedings of the Poster and Demo Session held at the 7 th International Semantic Web Conference. International Semantic Web Conference (ISWC-08), October 26-30, Karlsruhe, Germany, 10/2008.
Skipforward is a distributed recommendation system using a lightweight ontology approach for formalizing opinions about item features.
Items can be things such as songs or board games; describing and discriminating item features are the genre of a song or the degree of chance in a board game.
Every user of the system is free to add new items and statements about existing items into the system.
Naturally, opinions may differ between users---the system even encourages people to express dissent by supporting negation for item features.
Skipforward allows discussions for any item feature as well as displaying these discussions in a way similar to web forums.