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GeoInformationRouter - Localization in WLAN Environments Via Infrastructure

Stefan Below; Thorsten Diekhof; Jörg Possin; Johannes Schöning; Mareike Kritzler; Antonio Krüger
In: Ubicomp 2009: Adjunct Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Ubiquitous Computing. International Conference on Ubiquitous Computing (Ubicomp-09), 12th, September 26-29, Copenhagen, Denmark, 2009.


In this paper we present a completely infrastructure based localization technique for WLAN environments. Our modified Routers, called GeoInformationRouters, attach location information to the HTTP header. This information can be used to build web based LBS acces- sible using ordinary web browser on all different mobile and stationary devices starting from mobile phone, over netbooks or PCs without the need of special local- ization hardware on the device (such as GPS).