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Requirements Based Evaluation of eGovernment in the Large

Thomas Matheis; Jörg Ziemann; Peter Loos; D. Schmidt; M. Wimmer
In: International Journal of Electronic Government Research (IJEGR), Vol. 5, No. 3, Pages 47-61, IGI Global, 2009.


An increasing level of cooperation between public administrations nowadays on national, regional and local level requires methods to develop interoperable eGovernment solutions and leads to the necessity of an efficient evaluation and requirements engineering process that guides the establishment of systems and services used by public administrations in the European Union. In this article, the authors propose a framework to systematically gather and evaluate requirements for eGovernment in the large. The evaluation framework is designed to support requirements engineers to develop a suitable evaluation and requirements engineering process with respect to interoperable eGovernment solutions. The methodology is motivated and explained on the basis of a European research project.