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Scientific Authoring Support: A Tool to Navigate in Typed Citation Graphs

Ulrich Schäfer; Uwe Kasterka
In: Proceedings of the Workshop on Computational Linguistics and Writing. HLT-NAACL Workshop on Computational Linguistics and Writing (CL&W-2010), Writing Processes and Authoring Aids, located at NAACL HLT, June 1-6, Los Angeles, CA, USA, Pages 7-14, ACL, 6/2010.


Scientific authors urgently need help in managing the fast increasing number of publications. We describe and demonstrate a tool that supports authors in browsing graphically through electronically available publications, thus allowing them to quickly adapt to new domains and publish faster. Navigation is assisted by means of typed citation graphs, i.e., we use methods and resources from computational linguistics to compute the kind of citation that is made from one paper to another (refutation, use, confirmation, etc.). To verify the computed citation type, the user can inspect the highlighted citation sentence in the original PDF document. While our classification methods used to generate a realistic test data set are relatively simple and could be combined with other proposed approaches, we put a strong focus on usability and quick navigation in the potentially huge graphs. In the outlook, we argue that our tool could be made part of a community approach to overcome the sparseness and correctness dilemma in citation classification.


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