HTTP/REST-based Meta Web Services in Mobile Application Frameworks
Daniel Sonntag; Daniel Porta; Jochen Setz
In: Proceedings of the 4nd International Conference on Mobile Ubiquitous Computing, Systems, Services and Technologies. International Conference on Mobile Ubiquitous Computing, Systems, Services and Technologies (UBICOMM-10), October 25-30, Florence, Italy, XPS, 2010.
This paper describes how a multimodal dialogue application framework can be used to implement specific mobile applications and dynamic HTTP-based REST services. REST services are already publicly available and provide useful location-based information for the user on the go. We use a distributed, ontology-based dialogue system architecture where every major component can be run on a different host, thereby increasing the scalability of the overall system with a mobile user interface. The dialogue system provides customised access to the Google Maps Local Search and two REST services provided by GeoNames (i.e., the findNearbyWikipedia search and the findNearbyWeather search).