Service Composition
Bastian Blankenburg; L. Botelho; F. Calhau; A. Fernandez; Matthias Klusch; S. Ossowski
In: M. Schumacher; H. Helin; H. Schuldt (Hrsg.). CASCOM - Intelligent Service Coordination in the Semantic Web. Chapter 5, Pages 105-124, Whitestein Series in Software Agent Technologies and Autonomic Computing, Birkhäuser Verlag, Springer, 2008.
This book presents the design, implementation and validation of a value-added supportive infrastructure for Semantic Web based business application services across mobile and fixed networks, applied to an emergency healthcare application. This infrastructure has been realized by the CASCOM European research project. For end users, the CASCOM framework provides seamless access to semantic Web services anytime, anywhere, by using any mobile computing device. For service providers, CASCOM offers an innovative development platform for intelligent and mobile business application services in the Semantic Web