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Modeling and Simulating Ambient Assisted Living Environments -- A Case Study

Tim Laue; Christoph Stahl
In: Juan Carlos Augusto; Juan M. Corchado; Paulo Novais; Cesar Analide (Hrsg.). Ambient Intelligence and Future Trends -- International Symposium on Ambient Intelligence. International Symposium on Ambient Intelligence (ISAmI-2010), June 16-18, Guimarães, Portugal, Pages 217-220, Advances in Intelligent and Soft Computing, Vol. 72, Springer, 2010.


Modeling the layout of an apartment - including different furniture configurations and several moving elements - is a non-trivial task, especially if accessibility has to be assured e. g. for wheelchairs. In this paper, we describe a two-staged example for such a task by connecting two different applications: In the first step, the YAMAMOTO toolkit is used to efficiently model the building structure and to plan the furnishing of the environment in 3-D. Afterwards, the desired configuration becomes exported to SimRobot, a robot simulator based on rigid body dynamics. Thereby, a realistic evaluation of the physical configuration becomes possible, e. g. by interactively driving an electrical wheelchair through the environment.