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Searching Web 3.0 Content

Kinga Schumacher; Michael Sintek
In: Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies. International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies (WEBIST-11), May 6-9, Noordwijkerhout, Netherlands, Scitepress, 2011.


The Web 3.0 is commonly understood as the combination of the Semantic Web and Web 2.0, where conven- tional and social websites and data sources (e. g., DBs, XML, HTML, plain text) should be integrated and linked as well. Thus, there is a plethora of information in various representation forms which can be mapped to an information pool composed of a knowledge base (in RDF/S) and a text index. In doing so, structured data (e. g., DBs) is usually mapped to the knowledge base while unstructured data (e. g., plain text) to the text index and semi-structured (e. g., XHTML) data to both. Therefore, a search method is required which is able to explore both the knowledge base and the text index exploiting the cross-linking of data. For this purpose, we propose a search approach which combines fact retrieval and semantic document retrieval. It is able to answer queries with facts and documents as well as documents together with facts, and it supports free text and formal queries as well as queries composed of free text and formal parts.