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Formal Analysis Meets 3D-Visualization

Christopher Krauß; Andreas Nonnengart
In: Georg Rock; Josip Stjepandic; Cees Bil (Hrsg.). Concurrent Engineering Approaches for Sustainable Product Development in a Multi-Disciplinary Environment. ISPE International Conference on Concurrent Engineering (CE-2012), September 3-7, Trier, Germany, Pages 145-156, Vol. 1, ISBN 978-1-4471-4425-0, Springer, 9/2012.


This paper strikes two technical aspects that have become commonly applied in engineering, but, nevertheless, barely benefit from each other, at least what today’s concurrent engineering is concerned. One of them has to do with 3D-Visualization, be it as an output of a CAD-system, or even photo-realistic rendered/raytraced images and animations of the product or production line under consideration, and the other deals with Formal Analysis, i.e., the verification of (safety) properties against a suitable formal model of the scenario. In this paper we bring both these aspects together. We show how behaviors of a system deduced from verification results can be visualized as animations in the 3D model of the system. We also discuss how modifications of the 3D scene like positioning and adding or removing of objects can be reflected in the formal model of the system. As formal basis we use the language of hybrid automata, as 3D modeling language we use XML3D.

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