A Virtual Environment for Collaborative Engineering with Formal Verification
Wolfgang Herget; Christopher Krauß; Andreas Nonnengart; Torsten Spieldenner; Stefan Warwas; Ingo Zinnikus
In: C. Bil; et al. (Hrsg.). Proceedings of the 20th ISPE International Conference on Concurrent Engineering. ISPE International Conference on Concurrent Engineering (CE-13), 20th, September 2-6, Melbourne, VIC, Australia, IOS Press, 2013.
In this paper, we present a collaborative, web-based framework to create
3D scenarios for product design, simulation and training assisted by animated avatars.
To support correct design and anticipate critical design decisions we employ a
verification approach to check for safety and reachability properties. By animating
the 3D model based on prover results (trace witnesses out of constructive proofs)
the sys- tem provides tangible feedback of the verification to the designer. We describe
the components of the framework and illustrate the functionality based on
an existing factory production line.