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Benefit, Design And Evaluation Of Multimodal Interaction

Stefan Schaffer; Norbert Reithinger
In: Proceedings of the 2016 DSLI Workshop. ACM International Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI), Designing Speech and Multimodal Interactions for Mobile, Wearable, and Pervasive Applications, online, 2016.


In this paper we define our position regarding current research questions in the field of designing speech and multimodal interactions for mobile and wearable applications. Our argumentation is organized in three areas reflecting our following basic research questions questions: (1) what are the benefits that can emerge through multimodality, (2) how can these benefits be considered in the system design, and (3) how does multimodality affect the evaluation of HCI. We conclude that multimodality should be considered where the user has a benefit of it, that these benefits should be specifically supported by the interface design process, and that targeted use of multimodality should have positive impact on the evaluation results of HCI.


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