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Interchanging lexical resources on the Semantic Web

John P. McCrae; Guadalupe Aguado de Cea; Paul Buitelaar; Philipp Cimiano; Thierry Declerck; Asunción Gómez-Pérez; Jorge Gracia; Laura Hollink; Elena Montiel-Ponsoda; Dennis Spohr; Tobias Wunner
In: Language Resources and Evaluation, Vol. 46, No. 4, Pages 701-719, Springer, 2012.


Lexica and terminology databases play a vital role in many NLP applications, but currently most such resources are published in application-specific formats, or with custom access interfaces, leading to the problem that much of this data is in “data silos” and hence difficult to access. The Semantic Web and in particular the Linked Data initiative provide effective solutions to this problem, as well as possibilities for data reuse by inter-lexicon linking, and incorporation of data categories by dereferencable URIs. The Semantic Web focuses on the use of ontologies to describe semantics on the Web, but currently there is no standard for providing complex lexical information for such ontologies and for describing the relationship between the lexicon and the ontology. We present our model, lemon, which aims to address these gaps while building on existing work, in particular the Lexical Markup Framework, the ISOcat Data Category Registry, SKOS (Simple Knowledge Organization System) and the LexInfo and LIR ontology-lexicon models.
