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Verisoft secure biometric identification system

Gunter Lassmann; Georg Rock; Matthias Schwan; Lassaad Cheikhrouhou
In: Paul J. J. Welfens; Ellen Walther-Klaus. Digital Excellence, University Meets Economy. Pages 83-97, ISBN 978-3-540-72620-3, Springer, Berlin Heidelberg, 2008.


The Verisoft project is a long–term research project, funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research. It aims at verifying the correctness of concrete application tasks, one from academic and up to four from industrial backgrounds. This paper gives an introduction to one of the industrial applications, subproject 4 “Chipcard Based Biometric Identification System (CBI system)”. Firstly, biometric systems in general are discussed in order to define security requirements of a more secure system. Then the security functions and the overall design of the CBI system as well as verification task are identified. Finally a more detailed view of the implemented function is provided.
