Immersive Notification Framework: Adaptive & Plausible Notifications in Virtual Reality
André Zenner; Marco Speicher; Sören Klingner; Donald Degraen; Florian Daiber; Antonio Krüger
In: Extended Abstracts of the 2018 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems. International Conference Extended Abstracts on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI EA-2018), April 21-26, Montreal, Canada, Pages LBW609:1-LBW609:6, CHI EA '18, ISBN 978-1-4503-5621-3, ACM, 2018.
Notifications in everyday virtual reality (VR) applications are currently realized by displaying generic pop-ups within the immersive virtual environment (IVE) containing the message of the sender. However, this approach tends to break the immersion of the user. In order to preserve the immersion and the suspension of disbelief, we propose to adapt the method of notification to the current situation of the user in the IVE and the messages' priority. We propose the concept of adaptive and immersive notifications in VR and introduce an open-source framework which implements our approach. The framework aims to serve as an easy-to-extend code base for developers of everyday VR applications. As an example, we implemented a messaging application that can be used by a non-immersed person to send text messages to an immersed user. We describe the concept and our open-source framework and discuss ideas for future work.