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Expectations, Intentions, and Actions in Human-Robot Interaction

Marc Hanheide; Manja Lohse; Hendrik Zender
In: Marc Hanheide; Manja Lohse; Hendrik Zender (Hrsg.). International Journal of Social Robotics, Vol. 4, No. 2, Pages 107-108, Springer, Berlin - Heidelberg, 4/2012.


Human-robot interaction is becoming increasingly complex through the growing number of abilities, both cognitive and physical, available to today's robots. At the same time, interaction is still often difficult because the users do not understand the robots' internal states, expectations, intentions, and actions. Vice versa, robots lack understanding of the users' expectations, intentions, actions, and social signals. Each of the seven articles in this issue highlights different aspects around the central theme of expectations, intentions, and actions in human-robot interaction. The topics covered range from recognition of verbal and non-verbal cues of intentions and expectations, to verbalisation and presentation techniques that make internal processing of the robot accessible to the human.


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