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Intuitive Interaction with Robots - Technical Approaches and Challenges

Elsa Andrea Kirchner; José de Gea Fernández; Peter Kampmann; Martin Schröer; Jan Hendrik Metzen; Frank Kirchner
In: Rolf Drechsler; Ulrich Kühne. Formal Modeling and Verification of Cyber Physical Systems. Pages 224-248, ISBN 978-3-658-09993-0, Springer Heidelberg, 9/2015.


A challenging goal in human-robot interaction research is to build robots that are intuitive interaction partners for humans. Although some research does focus on building robots which look and behave exactly like a human, even simple toylike robots can be accepted as adequate and intuitive interaction partners. However, for complex interaction tasks, intelligent support, or cooperative behavior more advanced and "on board" solutions have to be developed, that still support natural interaction behavior between human and robot. This chapter will discuss some relevant research in the field of human-robot interaction which is fundamental for more complex but still intuitive interaction. The focus is to convey the complexity of research that is required and to point out different research areas which are relevant to achieve the goal of developing robots that can be natural interaction partners for humans.
