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Dr. rer. nat. Bruno Walter Mirbach

Organizational unit Augmented Vision
Contact +49 631 20575 3511 (Kaiserslautern)

Address (Kaiserslautern) Trippstadter Straße 12267663 Kaiserslautern


All publications



    KI-basierte Prozesssteuerung und automatisiertes Qualitätsmanagement im Recycling von Bau- und Abbruchabfällen durch sensorbasiertes Inline-Monitoring von Korngrößenverteilungen

    With 587.4 million t/a of aggregates used, the construction industry is one of the most resource-intensive sectors in Germany. By substituting primary aggregates with recycled (RC) aggregates, natural…

  • Revise-UP

    Verbesserung der Prozesseffizienz des werkstofflichen Recyclings von Post-Consumer Kunststoff-Verpackungsabfällen durch intelligentes Stoffstrommanagement

    At 3.2 million tonnes per year, post-consumer packaging waste represents the most significant plastic waste stream in Germany. Despite progress to date, mechanical plastics recycling still has…

  • HumanTech

    Human Centered Technologies for a Safer and Greener European Construction Industry

    The European construction industry faces three major challenges: improve its productivity, increase the safety and wellbeing of its workforce and make a shift towards a green, resource efficient…
