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Dr.-Ing. Denise Kahl

Organizational unit Cognitive Assistants
Contact +49 681 85775 2867 (Saarbrücken)

Address (Saarbrücken) Gebäude D3 4Stuhlsatzenhausweg 366123 Saarbrücken


All publications


  • KoPoSaB

    Kollaborations-Plattform zur KI-optimierten Steuerung autonomer Bot-Systeme

    The project KoPoSaB deals with the development of a collaboration platform based on artificial intelligence for the control and optimization of autonomous bot systems. A novel route generation method…

  • AppSist_AK

    Intelligente Wissensdienste für Smart Production

    The APPsist project gives manufacturing companies the opportunity to get prepared for the challenges of industry 4.0 using CPS-integrated, intelligent assistance systems. The forms of production,…