Security of AI Systems: Fundamentals - Security Aspects of Symbolic and Hybrid AI SystemsChristian Müller; Roland Vogt; Andreas Nonnengart; Matthias Klusch; André Meyer-VitaliBSI Federal Office for Information Security, BSI Bericht, 2022.
Formal Software Development in the Verification Support Environment (VSE)Dieter Hutter; Georg Rock; Jörg Siekmann; Werner Stephan; Roland VogtIn: Proceedings 13th International Florida Artificial Intelligence Research Symposium (FLAIRS-2000). International FLAIRS Conference (FLAIRS), Pages 367-376, AAAI-Press, 2000.
The Use of Formal Methods for Trusted Digital Signature DevicesBruno Langenstein; Markus Ullmann; Roland VogtIn: Proc. 13th Intern. FLAIRS Conf. International FLAIRS Conference (FLAIRS), AAAI Press, 2000.