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  1. QURATOR 2022: Call for Papers

    Die dritte Ausgabe der QURATOR-Konferenz für KI-getriebene Kuratierungstechnologien in Kultur, Medien, Industrie und Medizin findet vom 19. bis 23. …

  2. Rise of AI- Konferenz - Logo

    DFKI auf der Rise of AI Conference 2022 vertreten

    Prof. Dr. Hans Uskzoreit, wissenschaftlicher Direktor am Deutschen Forschungszentrum für Künstliche Intelligenz (DFKI) und führender Experte im …

  3. DFKI-Aktionen am Girls' Day 2022

    Auch in diesem Jahr beteiligt sich das DFKI wieder am Girls' Day mit Aktionen für Mädchen und junge Frauen an den Standorten Berlin, Bremen und …

  4. Save the Date: SPELL and PAIRS invite you to the "Hackathon at Interschutz" in Hannover - Hacking for civil protection and disaster control!

    From June 23 to 25, 2022, the partners of the SPELL and PAIRS projects invite you to the Hackathon at Interschutz 2022. The event will take place in …

  5. Prof. Andreas Dengel, Minister President Malu Dreyer, Prof. Dr. Michael Jäckel, Prof. Ralph Bergmann und Prof. Ingo Timm

    Minister President Malu Dreyer visits DFKI branch office in Trier

    On March 28, Minister President Malu Dreyer visited the branch office of the German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence (DFKI) at the …

  6. DFKI ist Partner bei Gesundheitsdatengipfel22

    Vortrag von DFKI-Doktorandin Mareike Stender auf dem Haupstadtkongress-Lab am 01.04. in Berlin.

  7. Group picture in the SmartFactory-KL
  8. University President Ralph Bruder (left) and Dean Rudolf Schröder (right) congratulated Wolfgang Wahlster on his honorary doctorate. Photo: Stephan Walzl, Theater Photographer, Oldenburg State Theater

    Professor Wolfgang Wahlster Receives Honorary Doctorate from the Department of Computer Science at the University of Oldenburg, Germany

    Oldenburg, 14th of March 2022 Professor Wolfgang Wahlster, who was the CEO of the German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence (DFKI) for over …

  9. Software Campus is looking for IT talents - apply by Feb 27!

    Master's and PhD students in computer science and computer science-related fields with an appetite for leadership or startup are encouraged to apply …

  10. [Translate to English:]

    Summer School is focused on better use of data in nonprofit and government organizations

    Data is generally considered the gold of the 21st century. Companies use it, for example, to analyze customer behavior and provide customer …


DFKI auf der Hannover Messe 2024: Schwerpunkt ist umweltschonende Industrie-KI