Digitization is increasingly permeating all aspects of our lives. Thanks to the "Internet of Things" (IoT), objects can now be connected in ways …
As soon as the shutters go up by themselves in the morning, the radio switches on automatically and the heating turns up – a growing number of …
From June 23 to 26, 2022, the DFKI Cyber-Physical Systems research department will present the AdaMeKoR project (An Adaptive Multi-Component Robot ...
Security chips are essential for many providers of electronic devices, from small personal devices to automobiles. They should be open, flexibly ...
Microelectronics is known as a key technology for many future developments, from autonomous cars to intelligent fridges. Small and medium-sized ...
With commercial smart home gadgets, a connected living is already possible today – but aims less at people that would especially profit from ...
In western countries, computer science courses are still dominated by men: Women in Europe rarely make up more than a quarter of all students – in ...
Open source is on the rise: Alongside open software, new hardware architectures offer an independent and cost-effective alternative to large chip ...
Das Grundprinzip intelligenter Wohnumgebungen ist es, technische Systeme überall dort im Haus zu installieren, wo sie gebraucht werden. Allerdings ...
Living Labs bieten realitätsnahe Innovationsumgebungen, in denen neue Entwicklungen anwendergerecht erprobt werden können. Im nun erschienen ...