Through an urgent plea for language data, the European Commission (EC) is supporting the development of technologies to enable cross-border ...
On 28 July 2021, Andrea Lösch and Thierry Declerck from the research group "Multilinguality and Speech Technology" were invited to give a talk …
On 10 March, people from all across Europe (and beyond) got together for the Fifth ELRC Conference. Organized by DFKI’s Data & Resources Group at …
Looking back at the end of the German EU Presidency 2020: With the goal to overcome language barriers and make it easier for people to …
„Jeśli chcesz mieć wpływ na innych ludzi, musisz najpierw porozmawiać z nimi w ich języku.“ Haben Sie das verstanden? Nein. Es sei denn, Sie …
Allein in Deutschland leiden etwa 15.000 Kinder und Jugendliche im Alter bis zu 14 Jahren an Diabetes Typ 1. Das Projekt ALIZ-E der Europäischen …