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News Overview

Displaying results 21 to 30 of 43.
  1. Project AUTOASSERT: DFKI scientists develop software tool for the support of German electronics companies

    Project AUTOASSERT: DFKI scientists develop software tool for the support of German electronics companies

    Microelectronics is known as a key technology for many future developments, from autonomous cars to intelligent fridges. Small and medium-sized ...

  2. Robotics in care: DFKI Bremen and Johanniter work on the hospital bed of the future in BMBF-funded project

    Robotics in care: DFKI Bremen and Johanniter work on the hospital bed of the future in BMBF-funded project

    Physical strains are one of the main reasons for sick leaves and early retirement amongst nursing staff. In order to support workers and give …

  3. Protection from attacks by quantum computers: DFKI starts project for long-term encryption of medical data

    Protection from attacks by quantum computers: DFKI starts project for long-term encryption of medical data

    Since Google announced its alleged “quantum supremacy”, they have become a hot topic once again: The expected efficacy of future quantum computers ...

  4. AI-Space for Intelligent Health Systems: Federation recommends funding of more than 10 million Euros

    AI-Space for Intelligent Health Systems: Federation recommends funding of more than 10 million Euros

    Good news from the capital: The Federal Ministry for Economy and Energy of Germany (BMWi) has decided to support the funding of a Northern-German ...

  5. Subjects wanted: DFKI tests health app with holistic data for EU project CrowdHEALTH

    Subjects wanted: DFKI tests health app with holistic data for EU project CrowdHEALTH

    No matter if it is running, sleeping or eating: More and more people use digital technologies in order to monitor and optimise their health. …

  6. Northern Germany paves way for new competence centre for artificial intelligence in medicine

    Northern Germany paves way for new competence centre for artificial intelligence in medicine

    The universities of Luebeck, Kiel, Hamburg and Bremen and the German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence, supported by the states of ...

  7. Machine Learning for EPO Detection – Joint Project by WADA and DFKI

    Machine Learning for EPO Detection – Joint Project by WADA and DFKI

    The World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) was established in 1999 with the mission of harmonizing and coordinating anti-doping programs at an …

  8. Was der Computer sieht, aber nicht versteht – Forschungsprojekt VIDETE entwickelt neue KI-Methoden für Maschinelles Sehen

    Was der Computer sieht, aber nicht versteht – Forschungsprojekt VIDETE entwickelt neue KI-Methoden für Maschinelles Sehen

    Im Forschungsprojekt VIDETE werden neue Verfahren der Künstlichen Intelligenz auf Basis neuronaler Netze entwickelt, damit Computer besser …

  9. Unterstützung bei psychischer Belastung am Arbeitsplatz: Emotionaler mobiler Avatar als Coaching-Assistent (EmmA)

    Unterstützung bei psychischer Belastung am Arbeitsplatz: Emotionaler mobiler Avatar als Coaching-Assistent (EmmA)

    Etwa 15 Prozent der Krankheitstage von Erwerbstätigen sind auf psychische Störungen zurückzuführen und noch immer bekommen psychische Erkrankungen …

  10. RECUPERA-Reha: Tragbares Exoskelett hilft Schlaganfallpatienten sich wieder zu bewegen

    RECUPERA-Reha: Tragbares Exoskelett hilft Schlaganfallpatienten sich wieder zu bewegen

    Der Einsatz von Robotern ist in der Medizin längst Alltag und auch für die Rehabilitation spielen robotische Systeme eine immer größere Rolle. Im …