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News Overview

Displaying results 1 to 9 of 9.
  1. Network of excellence paves the way for edge AI technologies
  2. Artificial intelligence for a safe and sustainable construction industry

    Artificial intelligence for a safe and sustainable construction industry

    DFKI coordinates new EU project HumanTech

  3. GAIA-X project begins in Kaiserslautern – smartMA-X

    GAIA-X project begins in Kaiserslautern – smartMA-X

    - SmartFactoryKL developing Shared Production

    - Production Level 4 demonstrator – first production unit connected to GAIA-X

  4. Künstliche Intelligenz analysiert wertvolle Inhaltsstoffe
  5. Artificial Intelligence and Time Sensitive Networking optimize Industry 4.0

    Artificial Intelligence and Time Sensitive Networking optimize Industry 4.0

    In the project “KITOS - Artificial Intelligence for TSN for Optimization and Fault Detection” scientists and engineers are working together on ...

  6. New Demonstrator / Update Industrie 4.0: Production Level 4

    New Demonstrator / Update Industrie 4.0: Production Level 4

    • New demonstrator features new system architecture, exchangeable modules, and Gaia-X

    • Production Level 4 is a further development of Industrie ...

  7. Project CoPDA: DFKI Laboratory Niedersachsen teaches dynamic knowledge to robots for a better human-machine interaction

    Project CoPDA: DFKI Laboratory Niedersachsen teaches dynamic knowledge to robots for a better human-machine interaction

    People generally know which objects they call theirs and which they do not. For machines, however, changing functions of objects present an unresolved ...

  8. “HumanE AI”: DFKI Leads an EU-Wide Drive Towards Human-Centric, Ethical, Value-Oriented AI Technology

    “HumanE AI”: DFKI Leads an EU-Wide Drive Towards Human-Centric, Ethical, Value-Oriented AI Technology

    Artificial Intelligence (AI) is currently at the top of national and international policy agendas around the globe, with strong research investments ...

  9. EU-Projekt entwickelt sichere und intuitive kollaborative Industrieroboter mit DFKI-Antrieben

    EU-Projekt entwickelt sichere und intuitive kollaborative Industrieroboter mit DFKI-Antrieben

    Die Zusammenarbeit von Mensch und Roboter sicher und effizient zu gestalten - das war das Ziel des von der Europäischen Union teilgeförderten ...